
What We Do

Thank you for looking further into what services we provide at Sharpshooters Painting provide in the Saint Louis Mo area. We are a full-service painting company that provides the highest quality materials and staff to make your home or commercial property look amazing. We can do small jobs like finishing some small projects or do the whole home and business repainting from top to bottom.

We pride ourselves in taking the proper time to prep the areas and do the job right the first time and leave the space cleaner then we found it. We have professionally trained painters and craftsmen that treat your space like it was our own families.

We provide bathroom and kitchen makeovers, painting wails, fixing tiles, and resurfacing bathtubs and showers. Why live with an outdated shower when we can help provide an affordable and amazing new look for your kitchen or bathroom.

Sharpshooters Painters STL

Residential Painting

Let transform your home inside or out, to look like you always dreamed that it would.

Commercial Services

We understand timelines and how important your time is to your business. We can work with your schedule to make sure you can update your space in the agreed time frames. We can do interior or exterior commercial painting to make your business look amazing. 

Bathroom and Kitchen

There is no reason to live with a kitchen or bathroom that is dated and not looking up to your highest standards. Let us come in and revitalize your kitchen or bath and bring it into the 21st century with an amazing new look and design.

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